Emo Project
B Example
1: Dorky Sci-Fi/Fantasy books. And don't forget your healthy cyberpunk! I read way too much. But it's fun, so...yeah. on to Example
2: Lots and lots of weird music. From beck to bob dylan. One can never forget their bright eyes either. Ohhh how that connor makes me fuzzy inside. Example
3: That's right, it's old manual camera equipment. My trusty old pentax camera, with a funky flash thing. I've never used color film in it... Example
4: Mmmhmmm. I went to the andy warhol retrospective at the museum of contemporary art. it was lots and lots of fun. the poster is of everyone's buddy, Mao. Example
5: I love this picture..i got it in paris. i like how it's all wide angle...and it's BLACK AND WHITE. muthafuckas. Example
6: this little buddy lives on my door. aint he cute? radiohead r0x3rs harcore. i'm listening to them right now..actually. i gots their new cd and it's very pretty. <Exhibit C: Clothing> |